Eckstein Parent-Teacher-Student Association
President (or Co-president) Position Description
Adapted from the PTSA Handbook: The president is the presiding officer and the official spokesperson of the local PTA or council. The president presides at all meetings and plans the meeting agenda with the PTA secretary, utilizing input from others. The president must remain impartial when serving as the presiding officer at meetings.
With approval of the executive committee, the president makes one-year appointments to positions and committees as specified in the Eckstein PTSA standing rules. The president should work with the Membership Chair to make sure that officers’ names and contact information are entered into WSPTA’s membership enrollment. Throughout the year, updates should be entered or sent to the WSPTA office whenever there is a change in officer positions or contact information. Changes in elected officers also require that the PTSA update its officer information with the Corporations Division of the Washington Secretary of State. The president ensures that all officers, chairs, and committee members are current PTA members. The president serves as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. (Ex officio means “by virtue of one’s status.”)
The president delegates responsibility and develops leaders by empowering others and acknowledging their efforts. He or she should communicate regularly with officers and chairs and be available to members. He or she should participate in planning and conducting an orientation for the board of directors.
Specific responsibilities at Eckstein:
Each Month:
Advertise meetings in the Weekly Bulletin (email text to the Communications Chair
Coordinate agenda for upcoming meeting with Secretary, Exec Board, and Chairs.
Support/assist newsletter coordinator as needed, review draft newsletter.
Meet with Kristin Rose ([email protected]) prior to monthly meetings to provide and receive updates.
Coordinate with Julia Detering (Eckstein website [email protected]), PTSA newsletter and Facebook coordinator, PTSA webmaster to advertise upcoming events and post updates as appropriate.
Respond to emails as appropriate – this might include requests for time on Board meeting agendas, coordinating programs and/or putting people in contact, fundraising opportunities, and events/programs of interest to Eckstein community.
Participate in monthly meetings of the Seattle Council of PTAs as time allows representing Eckstein and gathering information. Note: this role could be assigned to/shared with another officer such as the Vice President.
June/July of incoming year:
Plan and organize a Board Retreat. This can be short meeting or longer afternoon where Board (including chairs) meets to set the upcoming year’s focus and agenda. Contact information for the Exec. Board and Chairs can be shared and open positions discussed/filled. Products of this meeting might include theme for Speaker Series, proposed budget adjustments to be approved at first meeting, plan for community events, fundraising goals/events, etc.
July of incoming year:
PTSA information to be included in first day packets to school (by last week in July). Includes Welcome letter from president, forms (membership, SCRIP), updates Resources Inforgraphic, other materials as needed.
August of incoming year:
If agreed to by Board, assist VP in planning for September meeting speaker.
First General Meeting (Sept.): The meeting could have a speaker (no more than 45min) followed by a General Meeting. At the meeting:
October meeting – Review standing rules for a General meeting vote.
Annual Campaign Dates (TBD)
October 31st – The SOA contract is due. This is a Standards contract with WA State PTSA. Note that this no longer is required to be submitted but should be reviewed and completed (review of previous year). WAPTSA may request and / or audit.
November, December:
Board meetings – Board will address whatever matters come up.
November 15th – The 990 Tax Return is due.
Holiday Gift Card Drive for families in need, both Thanksgiving and Winter break holidays.
General meeting – Board will address whatever matters come up. This is a General meeting. A speaker will generally be scheduled to draw in more people.
Board meeting – Board will address whatever matters come up.
5th Grade tour night, Date TBD – PTSA hosts a Q&A for incoming families with treats. We’ll need PTSA members and volunteers to attend.
March meeting - begin discussions on General PTSA Budget, potentially begin discussions on Annual Campaign Budget. Discuss/establish nominating committee for next year's Board positions. Continue work on Board position descriptions.
April meeting - continue work on both budgets. Start advertising for new Board and Committee members for open positions. Nominating committee established (Board vote).
In early May, advertise in Eckstein Parent Bulletin and newsletter for candidates for Acorn Awards given to one parent and one staff member each year.
May meeting - PTSA Board will review and approve both the General PTSA Budget and Annual Campaign funding for 2019-2020 for vote at June General Meeting. Acorn Award committee established, will meet in early June to determine award recipients.
June meeting - General Meeting (Speaker) - General membership will vote for the 2019-2020 PTSA Board, the General PTSA Budget, and the next year’s meeting schedule. The PTSA will also present the Golden Acorn Awards.
Additional Resources
Training Opportunities:
There are some excellent online training opportunities from the WSPTSA. Courses are short, online, and cover material relevant to most/all Board positions. Links to online courses can be found under 'Training Resources' on the Leader Resources page of the WSPTSA webpage ( The 2018-2019 username is 'Every' and password is 'Child'; new usernames and passwords are emailed to Board members by WSPTSA in the fall. I highly encourage folks to take advantage of these.
WA State PTSA Resources
The WA State PTSA website (, has resources and information that might be useful; on the Governance page you will find WSPTA bylaws and policies, under Leader Resources there are handbooks and other resources for PTA leaders, and check out the Leadership Guides page for position specific information.
President (or Co-president) Position Description
Adapted from the PTSA Handbook: The president is the presiding officer and the official spokesperson of the local PTA or council. The president presides at all meetings and plans the meeting agenda with the PTA secretary, utilizing input from others. The president must remain impartial when serving as the presiding officer at meetings.
With approval of the executive committee, the president makes one-year appointments to positions and committees as specified in the Eckstein PTSA standing rules. The president should work with the Membership Chair to make sure that officers’ names and contact information are entered into WSPTA’s membership enrollment. Throughout the year, updates should be entered or sent to the WSPTA office whenever there is a change in officer positions or contact information. Changes in elected officers also require that the PTSA update its officer information with the Corporations Division of the Washington Secretary of State. The president ensures that all officers, chairs, and committee members are current PTA members. The president serves as an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee. (Ex officio means “by virtue of one’s status.”)
The president delegates responsibility and develops leaders by empowering others and acknowledging their efforts. He or she should communicate regularly with officers and chairs and be available to members. He or she should participate in planning and conducting an orientation for the board of directors.
Specific responsibilities at Eckstein:
Each Month:
Advertise meetings in the Weekly Bulletin (email text to the Communications Chair
Coordinate agenda for upcoming meeting with Secretary, Exec Board, and Chairs.
Support/assist newsletter coordinator as needed, review draft newsletter.
Meet with Kristin Rose ([email protected]) prior to monthly meetings to provide and receive updates.
Coordinate with Julia Detering (Eckstein website [email protected]), PTSA newsletter and Facebook coordinator, PTSA webmaster to advertise upcoming events and post updates as appropriate.
Respond to emails as appropriate – this might include requests for time on Board meeting agendas, coordinating programs and/or putting people in contact, fundraising opportunities, and events/programs of interest to Eckstein community.
Participate in monthly meetings of the Seattle Council of PTAs as time allows representing Eckstein and gathering information. Note: this role could be assigned to/shared with another officer such as the Vice President.
June/July of incoming year:
Plan and organize a Board Retreat. This can be short meeting or longer afternoon where Board (including chairs) meets to set the upcoming year’s focus and agenda. Contact information for the Exec. Board and Chairs can be shared and open positions discussed/filled. Products of this meeting might include theme for Speaker Series, proposed budget adjustments to be approved at first meeting, plan for community events, fundraising goals/events, etc.
July of incoming year:
PTSA information to be included in first day packets to school (by last week in July). Includes Welcome letter from president, forms (membership, SCRIP), updates Resources Inforgraphic, other materials as needed.
August of incoming year:
If agreed to by Board, assist VP in planning for September meeting speaker.
First General Meeting (Sept.): The meeting could have a speaker (no more than 45min) followed by a General Meeting. At the meeting:
- Review and share contact information for Executive Board and for Chairs
- Review bylaws and approve if necessary
- Review budget, adjust and approve if necessary
- Review meeting dates, adjust and approve if necessary – These dates should be posted as early as possible on both Eckstein and PTSA websites.
- Review, approve, if necessary, Speaker Series – if possible and dates are available post schedule for upcoming year
October meeting – Review standing rules for a General meeting vote.
Annual Campaign Dates (TBD)
October 31st – The SOA contract is due. This is a Standards contract with WA State PTSA. Note that this no longer is required to be submitted but should be reviewed and completed (review of previous year). WAPTSA may request and / or audit.
November, December:
Board meetings – Board will address whatever matters come up.
November 15th – The 990 Tax Return is due.
Holiday Gift Card Drive for families in need, both Thanksgiving and Winter break holidays.
General meeting – Board will address whatever matters come up. This is a General meeting. A speaker will generally be scheduled to draw in more people.
Board meeting – Board will address whatever matters come up.
5th Grade tour night, Date TBD – PTSA hosts a Q&A for incoming families with treats. We’ll need PTSA members and volunteers to attend.
March meeting - begin discussions on General PTSA Budget, potentially begin discussions on Annual Campaign Budget. Discuss/establish nominating committee for next year's Board positions. Continue work on Board position descriptions.
April meeting - continue work on both budgets. Start advertising for new Board and Committee members for open positions. Nominating committee established (Board vote).
In early May, advertise in Eckstein Parent Bulletin and newsletter for candidates for Acorn Awards given to one parent and one staff member each year.
May meeting - PTSA Board will review and approve both the General PTSA Budget and Annual Campaign funding for 2019-2020 for vote at June General Meeting. Acorn Award committee established, will meet in early June to determine award recipients.
June meeting - General Meeting (Speaker) - General membership will vote for the 2019-2020 PTSA Board, the General PTSA Budget, and the next year’s meeting schedule. The PTSA will also present the Golden Acorn Awards.
Additional Resources
Training Opportunities:
There are some excellent online training opportunities from the WSPTSA. Courses are short, online, and cover material relevant to most/all Board positions. Links to online courses can be found under 'Training Resources' on the Leader Resources page of the WSPTSA webpage ( The 2018-2019 username is 'Every' and password is 'Child'; new usernames and passwords are emailed to Board members by WSPTSA in the fall. I highly encourage folks to take advantage of these.
WA State PTSA Resources
The WA State PTSA website (, has resources and information that might be useful; on the Governance page you will find WSPTA bylaws and policies, under Leader Resources there are handbooks and other resources for PTA leaders, and check out the Leadership Guides page for position specific information.